Max Bowden, who plays Ben Mitchell on the BBC TV series EastEnders, is set to leave his role early next year. A BBC spokesperson confirmed the actor’s departure, stating they wished him well for the future. Bowden took on the role in 2019, following in the footsteps of Harry Reid, Charlie Jones, and Joshua Pascoe. It is currently unknown whether Bowden’s character will be killed off or if he will return to the series at a later date.
Since taking on the role of Ben Mitchell, Bowden’s character has been involved in storylines such as criminality, romantic relationships, rivalries with other characters, and familial discord with his father Phil. Bowden’s most recent storylines have included dealing with the death of Lola Pearce-Brown, trying to be involved in the life of their child Lexi, and struggling with bulimia.
Bowden was named soap superstar of 2023 at the Inside Soap Awards, and Harold won best actress at the same event. Bowden has also appeared in Waterloo Road and on stage in productions such as Birdsong and The Haunting Of Alice Bowles.
The character Ben Mitchell first appeared on EastEnders in 1996, although the role was played by child actors until Bowden took on the part. Further details about the character’s exit from the series have yet to be released
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