Watch the King's Christmas message in full

Watch the King's Christmas message in full

In his second annual Christmas message, King Charles took a moment to reflect on the universal values shared amongst major religions. While global conflict grows increasingly tragic, the King emphasized the importance of finding common ground and shared values between different belief systems.

Standing beside a replantable Christmas tree, the King’s self-penned message acknowledged the challenges the world faces as we close out a challenging year. He thanked volunteers for their effort to provide aid and support to those in need.

“It is important to remember that no matter the religion or belief system, the values of love, community, and compassion are shared by all,” the King said.

This message of unity and shared values comes at a particularly poignant time, as global conflict continues to escalate and people all over the world seek to find common ground. As we look toward the new year, King Charles’ message serves as a call to action for us all to work towards a brighter and more peaceful future

Read the full article from The BBC here: Read More