Soft Crash, a music duo consisting of Phase Fatale and Pablo Bozzi, announced their upcoming EP titled ‘NRG’, scheduled to release on February 2 via Fatale’s BITE. The duo also revealed the lead single named ‘Free Yourself’, featuring Ready in LED, a disco vocalist based in Kyiv, along with its accompanying music video.
The track sets the tone for the record with its Italo Body drives, complete with machine-made anthemic cuts and post-humanist production. Ready in LED disclosed how she became fascinated with the song, which demanded attention from the first few seconds itself. The artist also shared her sources of inspiration behind the track, naming grunge and glam rock.
JW Vigers directed the video featuring a variety of digital media, combining 3D sculpture with traditional animation, AI, and illustration. Vigers shared how the video’s core aspect is how dance music provides ecstasy and discovery to the body, which are only possible through freedom. The music video features a femme-android undergoing self-actualisation, metamorphosing into a solid humanoid figure from chromatic liquid and moving upwards into the sky.
‘Free Yourself’ is available for purchase, and the pre-orders for the entire record are available on BITE’s Bandcamp page.
Niamh Ingram, the Weekend Editor for Mixmag, covered the story
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