Less than an hour after a Banksy artwork featuring three drones was confirmed as authentic, it was removed from a stop sign in Peckham, south-east London. The piece on Commercial Way was included in photos on the artist’s Instagram page on Friday after midday. Banksy was not behind the removal, but two men were spotted taking down the sign around 12.30 GMT.
Banksy has installed several other works this year, including Valentine’s Day Mascara, a 3.8-tonne mural that appeared on the side of a house in Margate, Kent, on Valentine’s Day. It depicted a 1950s’ housewife with a black eye and missing tooth throwing a man into a chest freezer while wearing an apron and yellow washing-up gloves.
In September, the artist placed it in the foyer of The Art of Banksy exhibition in central London, where visitors can view it for free. The exhibition features pieces such as Girl With Balloon, Flower Thrower, and Rude Copper and focuses on Banksy’s Dismaland that was installed in Weston-super-Mare, The Walled Off Hotel in Bethlehem, and recent works acknowledging the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Banksy often includes messages about contemporary issues and featured themes related to the Coronavirus pandemic in his work in 2020. The artist was born in Yate, England
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