After running for more than five decades, the BBC sports quiz show, Question of Sport, has ceased production due to “inflation and funding challenges,” as confirmed by the BBC. The show’s first episode aired in 1970, hosted by David Vine. Despite being off the air for two years in the 1970s, the program continued in production without interruption since 1978.
The show became a significant hit in the 1980s with host David Coleman and hit peak viewership figures in 1987 when Princess Anne guest-starred with an incredible 19 million viewers. Tennis player Sue Barker took over in 1997 and held the host position for 24 years until actor Paddy McGuinness replaced her in 2021. The show had also undergone a revamp in recent years, which included non-sporting celebrities as guests.
According to reports, the program’s cancellation relates to falling viewing rates and low audience figures for iPlayer. In the previous year, viewership was slightly below one million, with Barker regularly achieving between four and five million views. However, the BBC spokesperson insisted that the show is not being canceled, simply ceasing production but could return in the future.
Former captain Sir Bill Beaumont expressed his disappointment that the program was ending, saying, “It’s a pity that it’s finishing now, it is sad because it’s the end of an era; it is amazing how many come up to me now when I’m going through railway stations and things like that and [say] ‘I use to watch it with my dad.'” Although the program has gaps in production, a BBC spokesperson firmly stated that Question of Sport would not appear on any other channels, citing that it is BBC intellectual property.
In summary, after more than 50 years, the BBC has ceased Question of Sport’s production. Despite ongoing popularity, it is challenging to navigate the current economic environment and significant changes in the way viewers consume content. It remains to be seen whether the program will return
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