On Sunday, police launched a murder investigation in Lurgan, County Armagh following an incident. Two women, aged 35 and 43, and a 31-year-old man have been arrested in connection with the case on suspicion of murder. Earlier on Sunday morning, police were investigating a sudden death on Edward street in the town.
Sinn Féin MLA John O’Dowd described the scene as “shocking” and expressed condolences to the family and friends of the victim. O’Dowd also encouraged anyone who had information to contact the police. There is a wide police cordon currently in place in the area and forensics officers are erecting a tent at the top of Prospect Way, near to McDonald’s.
Detectives have been going from door to door to gather evidence, and have asked for anyone who witnessed suspicious activity in the area between 02:00 and 05:00 GMT on Sunday morning to contact them. Edward Street remains closed.
This is a developing story and more information may emerge in the coming days. The police have not yet released any further details about the victim, the motive behind the murder, or any potential leads
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