Ignite The Night is a fresh event series created by Mixmag and Fireball schedule to showcase the greatest DJs in the industry, with a focus on high-energy electronic music that ignites the dancefloor. On November 2, Mele, the house icon and Defected signee, will perform with the groove powerhouse of Liverpool, Lauren Lo Sung. For guestlist sign up, click here.
Turno and Grafix, two drum and bass stars, on November 9, will follow up with their performances through the doors of the Mixmag HQ for the second event of the series. For guestlist sign up, click here. After each event, you can catch the stream by tuning into MixmagTV.
The event address is Mixmag, 14 Charles II St, London, SW1Y 4QU, and the set will be filmed with photography or video activities for marketing and promotional purposes. Participants must be 18+.
Therefore, make sure to sign up on time for the guestlist and enjoy the electrifying music of the most exceptional DJs in the industry!
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