Relive all of Wales fans' World Cup flashmobs

Relive all of Wales fans' World Cup flashmobs
Relive all of Wales fans' World Cup flashmobs

French cities have been treated to an unexpected phenomenon during the ongoing Rugby World Cup: a travelling flashmob choir. The group, which has been following the Welsh team throughout the tournament, has been appearing in cities including Nantes, Lyon, and Nice. Now, supporters are being invited to join the choir in Marseille prior to Wales’ quarterfinal game against Argentina.

The choir has been met with overwhelmingly positive reactions from fans and locals alike. Organiser Huw Davies commented on the success of the venture, saying, “It’s what we do. It’s part of our soul, singing.” The surprise performances have certainly added to the enthusiasm surrounding this year’s World Cup.

Flashmob choir performances have become something of a trend in recent years, popping up in public spaces all over the world. It’s no surprise that such a musical event would take place during a sports tournament as significant as the Rugby World Cup. The uniquely passionate energy evoked by both singing and sports adds up to an unforgettable experience for fans and participants alike.

As the tournament progresses, it may be worth looking out for more choral surprises. Whether or not the Welsh team continues to advance in the competition, the flashmob choir will surely be remembered as an impressive addition to Rugby World Cup culture

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