Fake designer logo factory raided in Manchester

Fake designer logo factory raided in Manchester
Fake designer logo factory raided in Manchester

Police in Manchester have shut down a badging factory that was creating fake designer logos to place on unbranded clothing. A raid early on Tuesday uncovered counterfeit stock with a value of around £800,000. The operation, on Knowsley Street, also found a significant amount of cannabis with an estimated street value of £2,500.

The move was part of Operation Vulcan, which targets the counterfeit trade and organised crime in the areas of Strangeways and Cheetham Hill. The factories created bogus designer logos, badges and tags to put onto imported blank clothes. Cheetham Hill is considered to be one of the key destinations for counterfeit goods in the UK.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said the operation cut off the supply “right at the source,” preventing the sale of illicit goods. GMP said it would continue to work to ensure the counterfeit trade and associated criminality could not return.

Ch Insp Andy Torkington of Operation Vulcan pledged that the team would work with local police “to frustrate criminals and support the people who live here.” He added: “Our message is clear: Operation Vulcan will remain in the Cheetham Hill and Strangeways area for as long as it is needed.”

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