Two South West hospital trusts declare highest alert

Two South West hospital trusts declare highest alert
Two South West hospital trusts declare highest alert

Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust (RCHT) and Derriford Hospital in Plymouth have both declared Opel 4 level, which is the highest alert a hospital can reach, meaning that they are “unable to deliver comprehensive care.” According to a spokesperson from RCHT, the level was declared because “pressure has gradually built over the course of the last week.” Derriford Hospital stated that they have seen “a large number of attendances” recently. Despite the “wave of Covid”, staff are “not seeing a lot of people very sick” with the virus, and this is not the main reason for increased attendances. Both hospitals are advising patients to use alternative services at this time for minor injuries or anything they need to see their own GP for.

Doctor Mark Javad, a consultant with RCHT, revealed that the emergency department usually sees a “drop in attendances” during the autumn, while attendances this year are up from last year. “We are busy but I think the main problem for emergency services at the present time is that the beds throughout the rest of the health and social care system are not available, and that seems to be what’s causing the main problem,” he said in an interview with BBC Radio Cornwall. Although the vaccination programme has “reduced the severity” of Covid-19, the current surge in hospitalizations is not related to the virus.

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust stated that Derriford Hospital was “extremely busy, and we have seen a large number of attendances to our emergency department.” The trust advised patients to use the 111 phone or online service to direct them to emergency departments or direct them to urgent treatment centers/minor injury units if necessary, but always call 999 in a life-threatening emergency. The trust also added that those receiving hospital care should be discharged only when medically fit and that this would aid staff in caring for those who are acutely unwell.

In order to avoid any nasty surprises at the hospital, both hospitals have advised their patients to be mindful of COVID-19 restrictions in place during their visits to ensure a safe and efficient service. While both hospitals are still providing care for those who need it, they are both working relentlessly to ease the pressure on their staff and the wider health system

Read the full article from The BBC here: Read More