Rishi Sunak unleashes reset of his premiership

Rishi Sunak unleashes reset of his premiership

Rishi Sunak’s speech at the Conservative Party conference stood out because it didn’t contain a bunch of guaranteed crowd pleasers. Instead, he unveiled ideas that provoke and divide, which has caused controversy within the Conservative Party as well as the wider public. Take HS2 as an example – Conservative Mayor of the West Midlands, Andy Street, expressed that he had contemplated ripping up his Tory party membership card because of this decision. Former Conservative prime ministers David Cameron and Boris Johnson also voiced their disagreement and opposition to the decision.

Similarly, the banning of smoking in England is another example of an idea that has been met with controversy. The idea of the state stopping people from doing things, particularly if others are allowed to, is seen by some as un-Conservative. This has led former prime minister Liz Truss to publicly announce that she will vote against the proposed change. This idea has already received opposition from three former Conservative prime ministers and a current Conservative mayor.

Despite the controversy surrounding these ideas, they are part of the strategy that the prime minister and his senior advisers have developed. They realized over the summer that something needed to change because they were looking at losing the next election. This led to the creation of a strategy where Rishi Sunak could be himself politically, without any constraints. This is Mr. Sunak unleashed, grabbing politics by the scruff of the neck and forcing those who disagree to set out alternatives.

However, this strategy is not without its detractors. Some people, including a former Conservative cabinet minister, have criticized Sunak’s audacious pitch, saying that it’s a bit rich going around saying all your predecessors were terrible when Sunak didn’t even win the support of Conservative Party members, let alone the country. There is also an obvious tension between talking about long-term plans and having a general election in the short term, leading to questions about believability.

In conclusion, Sunak’s speech has caused a lot of controversy among Conservatives and the wider public with ideas that many consider provocative and divisive. Despite this, it is part of a strategy developed by the prime minister and his advisers to help Sunak become a more prominent political figure. Time will tell if this strategy is successful and if Rishi Sunak can deliver on his promises

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