UFO sign in Spielberg Netflix series village Broad Haven

UFO sign in Spielberg Netflix series village Broad Haven
UFO sign in Spielberg Netflix series village Broad Haven

A fake road sign warning motorists of alien encounters has cropped up near Broad Haven, a village in Pembrokeshire that features in the Netflix series Encounters. The sign displays a flying saucer and references the numerous accounts of extraterrestrial sightings around the village, which some have likened to the Bermuda Triangle. However, the sign’s life was short-lived, and it has been removed from the outskirts of the village.

It wasn’t authorised by Pembrokeshire council, though the council stated that it didn’t take it down, and that it regularly removes unauthorized signs from public highways. Broad Haven is a popular destination for those seeking out strange, unexplained phenomena: there have been reports of 450 different mysterious incidents around the village, including sightings of flying saucers from guest houses, alien-like figures emerging from hedges, and cigar-shaped UFOs spotted near primary schools.

The accounts of close encounters date back to 1977, and many of the bizarre reports were collected in a now-famous UFO scrapbook made by local schoolchildren. The Cold War was at its height in those days, and incredible science fiction fantasies like Star Wars and Spielberg’s first alien encounter movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind were huge box office hits.

Sixteen schoolchildren famously claimed to have seen a UFO, and more recently they were featured in a documentary about the experiences produced by Steven Spielberg’s company. One of the children appearing in the footage explains, “The spaceship looked like a cigar shape with a dome on it with yellowy, orange to red light on the top of it. I saw a man, but I couldn’t see its face because it was too far away.

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