Keir Mather MP: Out and about with the 'Baby of the House'

Keir Mather MP: Out and about with the 'Baby of the House'
Keir Mather MP: Out and about with the 'Baby of the House'

Keir Mather, the youngest MP of the House of Commons at just 25 years of age, won the Selby and Ainsty by-election in North Yorkshire back in July. He is known as the ‘Baby of the House,’ and this title has been well deserved since he successfully overturned a 20,137 majority held by the Conservatives. But how is he doing as he gains experience in his political journey, and how is he being perceived by Selby locals?

During a visit to Selby Abbey, Mather was met with amazement when one voter didn’t believe he was the Labour MP for Selby and Ainsty. Janet Rogerson, aged 76, said, “I must admit I didn’t think he stood a chance, but he’s done amazing, overturning that majority.” When asked how he is finding his role, Mather said he is spending as much time in Selby as possible and listening to the problems of the constituents he serves.

It’s an enormous responsibility to be entrusted with representing approximately 80,000 people, but Mather takes pride in the fact that Selby and Ainsty elected a young MP. Though he lacks compared to others in terms of life experience, he emphasizes the importance of hard work and fighting for the people who elected him. His priority list includes addressing the cost of living crisis, providing better assistance to children with special educational needs and disabilities, among other issues.

There is no doubt that Mather is aware of his youth, as said himself; however, with fresh ideas and a willingness to listen to Selby’s citizens, he believes his age may be an advantage. His victory at the polls could have reflected a message against the current UK Conservative government, as some Selby locals feel helpless after 13 years of their rule. It’s no secret that people have lost faith in politicians, but the hope remains that Mr. Mather will continue to bring life and sincerity to his position and keep fighting for those who put him in office

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